Neuropathy NP Kit

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$ 113.60

$ 113.60

The Solutions4 Neuropathy NP Kit can help you whether you’ve been suffering from neuropathy for weeks, months, or years. By providing your body with all of the nutrients it needs – along with products designed to reduce inflammation and boost circulation – you’ll finally get the results you’ve wanted.



- Boosts circulation

- Reduces inflammation

- Reduces pain and/or tingling sensations in the extremities

- Reduces symptoms associated with neuropathy


Included in This Kit:

28 Supplement Packets: Vitamin D, Multivitamin/Multimineral, Salmon Oil, Evening Primrose Oil

1 Cardio Health Essentials (30 servings)

2 Vitamin B12 (30 count)

1 Anti-Inflammatory Gel (1.75 ounces)


Suggested Use:

Supplement Packets: Take 2 packs daily.

Cardio Health Essentials: Mix 1 level scoop with 6-8 fl. oz. of cold water and shake vigorously. Use up to 3 times daily.

Vitamin B12: Chew twice and then dissolve under the tongue for 30 seconds. Use 1 lozenge per day.

Anti-Inflammatory Gel: Apply to affected areas as needed for symptom relief.


Size: 14-Day Supply of Supplements


Recommended Products: Nutritional Shake, Exercise Gel, Essential Greens